Enabling lenders to increase the size of their loan book responsibly by qualifying more applicants
By becoming an AffordAssist Approved Lender, together we can help our Next Generation into home ownership. Sometimes, things do change for the better.
‘Here is an enthusiastic First Home Buyer who is qualified for your lending services…’
Just sit back for a minute and imagine… How many First Time Buyers are out there right now with a partial deposit? Are you confident that they will still be thinking of your brand in three or four years’ time when they have saved their full deposit?
Don’t let that buyer become someone else’s client. You can choose which of your lending services you want to make available to our qualified First Home Buyers.
Become an approved AffordAssist Lender and start offering an Affordable Deposit Solution.
It has always been about the DEPOSIT
Housing Affordability impacts family, social-fabric and economy.
Collective efforts between Government and industry on housing affordability are seeking ideal solutions. Solutions that may benefit the whole are in constant debate.
In our view, AffordAssist is one of the greatest solutions for housing affordability.
AffordAssist provides a present-day deposit SOLUTION
We too have the view that it is not for a lender to resolve the deposit shortfall. This is a strong, but fair comment. AffordAssist deposit solution is a community centric approach.
AffordAssist provides a proven present-day deposit solution; a proprietary Deferred Deposit Agreement (DDA) between the property seller and buyer for the amount needed to secure a loan. …without increasing risk to the 1st mortgage lender. Yes, sometimes, things do change for the better
Put simply, AffordAssist replaces the need for the full cash deposit, making it possible for purchasers to buy today with an initial part-deposit and to pay the balance of the deposit most typically within 60 months, and always without interest. Property purchasers will have 100% ownership of the title.
The New Zealand dream of home ownership is now possible, for everyone. Helping Our Next Generation into home ownership directly impacts on family, the social-fabric and economy.
With AffordAssist all settlements may be possible.
Join our panel. Become an approved AffordAssist Lender by offering AffordAssist Deferred Deposit Home loans.
Managing Risk
An AffordAssist Deferred Deposit Home Loan is very likely to yield less risk. Because…
AffordAssist proven governance and core service fundamentals may be likened to Credit Risk Transfer (CRT) thus positioning the service as a viable home loan deposit solution for a lender.
AffordAssist governance process personifies longevity: It is not just about buying the property it is also about keeping it, thus clients being in the best position to create generational wealth and, buy another property.
NO Home Loan should be settled without AffordAssist. Please contact us for details.
Value to your brand and loan book
Overlay the following against your actual business to estimate the real value; noting potential for improving efficiencies into commercial outcomes. Additionally a new untapped market to increase the mortgage market pie by offering AffordAssist deferred deposit home loans.
With AffordAssist you will:
- Increase the number of loans you can approve, by offering a solution for the loan deposit that makes it possible for the residential property purchasers to secure a loan and buy today
- Build stronger and deeper relationships with your brokers, by offering your broker's a process to help their clients achieve homeownership earlier and to build loan portfolios for multiple properties
- Protect against your loan applications from failing to settle due to the valuation being lower than anticipated or other unforeseen challenges. With AffordAssist all settlements may be possible
- Alleviate the potential impact of current market volatility in Interest Rates, by extending AffordAssist terms, thus reducing the overall monthly payments
- Reduce risk, the AffordAssist governance process and Stakeholders Fund, monies are set aside to protect all the stakeholders and reduce LMI risk
- No need for Cashback incentives, saving between $1,000 to $5,000 (or more); offering a Home Loan with AffordAssist is Life Changing
- Build your brand equity, by becoming AffordAssist Approved to offer an innovative and affordable housing deposit-solution; enabling your brand to engage with all buyer profiles from affordable housing to those seeking wealth creation.
Improving efficiencies and procuring new clients may result in billions of dollars. Specifically for your brand with AffordAssist, is the bottom line 10% better off or more?
Become An AffordAssist Approved Lender
We are on a mission to increase the rate of First Home ownership in New Zealand. Working smarter, harder and together, we can influence a positive impact on the housing market, the economy and our social fabric.
Our Core Values
- Industry and government working as a team to help First Home Buyers
- Fostering consumer protection with unwavering integrity
- Fair Industry Fees, low and fixed
AffordAssist is backed by a governance process protecting ALL STAKEHOLDERS, and that also guarantees the program’s longevity.
Approved professionals include: lenders, mortgage brokers, developers, master listing agents, buyers agents and the AffordAssist program governance solicitor. Each performing a critical role.
Buyers must be eligible and receive AffordAssist Conditional Approval before selecting a property.

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AffordAssist helps with the deposit for the first home buyer. AffordAssist replaces the need for a substantial cash deposit with our innovative deferred deposit solution.
AffordAssist is the new way to buy your first home today and to defer and pay the balance of the deposit over 60 months without interest.
Talk To Us