Private Sellers
Sell your property privately without agents to our database of first-home buyers.
For you, a quicker sale. For the buyer, a dream of homeownership fulfilled.
Sell your home MORE QUICKLY. Helping Our Next Generation.
Selling your home with AffordAssist may happen much, much quicker due to massive demand for our affordability program.
Picture them… All of the potential first home buyers out there, renting right now while saving for their deposit. Maybe your tenants. When you list your property with AffordAssist, we can plug you into our growing database of potential First Home Buyers.
Next generation: You will be helping the next generation of first-home buyers. By making their dream of owning a home possible, impacting on family, the social-fabric and economy.
Call us today. We might have the Buyer you are looking for
Are You Struggling To Settle?
Even seasoned Private Sellers – may have had the misfortune of experiencing this in the past. You invest serious time and money in a long sales campaign and believe you have found your Buyer. Their finances appear to be in order, but Their Lender undervalues the property, leaving the Buyer with a critical shortfall in funding that results in a settlement crash.
A bank undervaluing a property can be fatal to a sale. This is a stressful scenario for both Sellers and Buyers, with the latter in danger of losing their deposit and the possibility of frightening and expensive legal action just around the corner. In some instances, these lead to financial ruin.
AffordAssist can help Sellers in the critical moments when a settlement is expected to crash due to an undervaluation. AffordAssist is the ideal program to help You and the Buyer manage the shortfall. We create a proprietary agreement between You and the Buyer for payment of the shortfall, then match your Buyer with a new Lending Partner.
If you are expecting a settlement to fail, ask us how we can help
What Properties Are Eligible?
This program includes all residential property types. Off the plan, brand-new or previously lived-in, including:



Time To Sell
Changes in your personal situation or the market might have you thinking about selling your home or investment property. Whether you want to access our pool of qualified First Time Buyers, or if you are speaking with your own First Home Buyer, AffordAssist can help increase your chances of a sale.
If the First Time Buyer you have in mind is a family member or friend, AffordAssist can provide what you need in governance. This will assure peace of mind for both parties, which goes a long way to sustaining healthy personal relationships.
If your property is an investment, do you know if your tenant is currently saving to purchase their first home? They may be eligible for AffordAssist – the ideal program to help that tenant buy your home.
How AffordAssist Makes It Possible
AffordAssist offers an innovative property-deposit and loan-deposit solution, making it possible for buyers wanting to enter the market today.
AffordAssist replaces the need for the typical cash deposit required by the property seller/ lender with a proprietary Deferred Deposit Agreement (DDA), which may be used for all or part-of the deposit and includes a no-interest payment plan.
Schedule Of Fees
Private Sellers
- DIY, of course, no fees
- Listing service, $1,000 +GST
Includes: Dedicated web page. Unique URL, specifically for your property, no ads, no other properties. You can use on your social pages.
Example: - Includes: Post placed on AffordAssist Facebook page
- Includes: Listing added to our current Approved Properties PDF
- Optional: Ad (Post Boost) on Facebook, from $10 per day
- Optional: Sales support, listing consultant team members, $1,000 +GST
- General sales assistance, manage listing and enquiries on your behalf
- Where applicable: AffordAssist can work with your existing agent via a co-agency agreement
- Optional: Trust account
- Receipt and disburse cash deposit, $100 +GST
- Receipt and disburse DDA payments, $20 +GST per month
- DIY, of course, no fees
- AffordAssist Customer Care team member will offer free phone assistance
- AffordAssist proprietary Deferred Deposit Agreement (DDA), $2,000 +GST (includes monies set aside to protect all the stakeholders)
- AffordAssist’s governance process includes a program solicitor, $600 +GST
- Optional: AffordAssist Approved Buyer's Agent
- DIY+AffordAssist: Assist finance pre-qualified buyers from within the AffordAssist database, $3,000 +GST Plus DDA $2,000 +GST
- Full Buyer’s Agent Service: $9,000 +GST Plus DDA $2,000 +GST

AffordAssist helps with the deposit for the first home buyer. AffordAssist replaces the need for a substantial cash deposit with our innovative deferred deposit solution.
AffordAssist is the new way to buy your first home today and to defer and pay the balance of the deposit over 60 months without interest.
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